Just You...
Cater my world,
Seeing in me all my masks,
While loving me precisely for the one I neglect.
Just You...
You hold sacred my heart,
Defending, championing my cause,
While standing firm in your footing.
Just You...
Drawing me in.
Your complexities are innumerable,
Your desires, singular.
Just You...
Remove me from myself,
Leaving me no choice but trust—
Trusting you.
Just You...
Are everything.
I've lost, discovered, revealed, suppressed;
Unknown until we locked eyes.
Just You...
Keep me up at night,
While serenading me to slumber so sweetly;
Narrating my dreams.
Just You...
Always never enough,
Always leave me desiring more,
Yet still somehow, some way, fulfilling.
Just You...
Awaken my slumbering heart,
Drumming its wild cadence,
As yours sprints to keep pace.
Just You...
It's you I claim,
For you I stand tall.
With you, I’m a monument.
Beside you, I’m forever.
And it’s you;
Just You...
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