When you’re at your loneliest,
that’s when you have revelations.
Thanksgiving is tomorrow—
my first in recovery,
and my first without my 7-year-old daughter.
It’s been lonely, depressing,
all those emotions bundled into a big cardboard box,
a bow of chaos haphazardly tied around.
But I have to check myself—
be grateful for life,
its ups and downs, trials and rewards;
breadcrumbs of acceptance,
carefully placed for me to find,
if I just stopped long enough
to see with my heart—
not with my mind.
Two friends, near and dear to my soul,
whom I met in treatment,
invited me to spend Thanksgiving with them.
And with the blink of an eye,
I wasn’t alone.
That got me thinking...
albeit, thinking is my worst enemy at times.
Yet there’s a deeper essence to all this:
I was never alone.
I just had to come full stop
and notice.
Everyone on this recovery journey,
regardless of what you’re “recovering,”
so different,
yet simultaneously so alike...
We are all on the same journey,
different paths converging,
the same destination.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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